kind: pipeline type: docker name: deploy environment: BRANCH: main DOKKU_HOST: DOKKU_APP_NAME: dokku-ci-deploy DOKKU_USER: dokku JUMP_HOST: JUMP_USER: jumpuser steps: - name: configure-environment pull: always image: ubuntu:latest environment: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: dokku_ssh_key JUMP_PRIVATE_KEY: from_secret: dokku_ssh_key commands: - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo -e "Host jump\n Hostname $JUMP_HOST\n User $JUMP_USER\n IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa\n StrictHostKeyChecking no" > ~/.ssh/config - echo -e "Host dokku\n Hostname $DOKKU_HOST\n User $DOKKU_USER\n IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa\n ProxyCommand ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' jump nc %h %p" >> ~/.ssh/config - chmod 400 ~/.ssh/config - echo -e "Host *\n StrictHostKeyCheAlso note the environment section cannot expand environment variables or evaluate shell expressions. If you need to construct variables it should be done in the commands section.cking no\n UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" > ~/.ssh/config.jump - echo -e "Host *\n StrictHostKeyChecking no\n UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" > ~/.ssh/config.dokku - chmod 400 ~/.ssh/config.jump - chmod 400 ~/.ssh/config.dokku - echo "$JUMP_PRIVATE_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - apt-get update && apt-get install git - name: add-remote image: ubuntu:latest commands: - git remote add dokku dokku:$DOKKU_APP_NAME - name: push-to-dokku image: ubuntu:latest commands: - git push dokku $BRANCH trigger: branch: - main