# Tehillim Split This is a web application to split Sefer Tehillim between a group of people. You can create a list split by either perek or day of month and share it with other users. Currently live at https://tehillim-split.dovicowan.dev ## Github The Github repo is a mirror of the repo on my self-hosted Git server at https://git.fnukhosting.net/dcowan/tehillim-split. ## Building it yourself Tehillim Split is built on top of Appwrite BaaS and the frontend is Svelte+Vite. To host it yourself, you'll either need your own Appwrite self hosted instance, or you can use [Appwrite Cloud](cloud.appwrite.io). ### Deploy to Appwrite 1. Install the [Appwrite CLI](https://appwrite.io/docs/tooling/command-line/installation), and connect it to your Appwrite instance with `$ appwrite login` 2. Create a new Project with `$ appwrite init project`. 3. Deploy the DB with `$ appwrite deploy collection`. Select all Collections. 4. Update `VITE_APPWRITE_ENDPOINT` and `VITE_APPWRITE_PROJECT_ID` in `.env`. ### Deploy frontend `npm install` + `npm run dev` / `npm run build`. **NOTICE:** You need to add a platform from the Appwrite Console when deploying to production, otherwise you'll get a CORS error. Wildcards are not supported in the Hostname field.