code clean up

This commit is contained in:
Artem Anufrij 2017-11-26 00:07:55 +01:00
parent d7c7557ece
commit 57160bd4db
16 changed files with 466 additions and 430 deletions

View file

@ -32,6 +32,14 @@
<release version="0.2.4" date="2017-11-30">
<li>Option for Dark Theme</li>
<release version="0.2.3" date="2017-11-20">

View file

@ -20,5 +20,10 @@
<summary>The saved state of the window.</summary>
<description>The saved state of the window.</description>
<key name="use-dark-theme" type="b">
<summary>Use Dark Theme.</summary>
<description>Use Dark Theme.</description>

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
namespace Webpin {
public class WebpinApp : Granite.Application {
public class WebpinApp : Gtk.Application {
static WebpinApp _instance = null;
@ -40,16 +40,12 @@ namespace Webpin {
construct {
program_name = "Webpin";
exec_name = "com.github.artemanufrij.webpin";
app_launcher = application_id + ".desktop";
flags |= GLib.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_OPEN;
var open_web_app = new SimpleAction ("open-web-app", GLib.VariantType.STRING);
add_action (open_web_app);
open_web_app.activate.connect ((parameter) => {
if (parameter != null) {
debug ("start web app over action: '%s'", parameter.get_string ());
start_webapp (parameter.get_string ());
@ -75,13 +71,14 @@ namespace Webpin {
mainwindow.present ();
var app_info = Webpin.DesktopFile.get_app_by_url (url);
var app_info = Services.DesktopFilesManager.get_app_by_url (url);
var desktop_file = new Webpin.DesktopFile.from_desktopappinfo (app_info);
mainwindow = new WebWindow (desktop_file);
mainwindow.set_application (this);
static int main (string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
var app = Webpin.WebpinApp.instance;

View file

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ vala_precompile(VALA_C ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015 Erasmo Marín <>
* Copyright (c) 2017-2017 Artem Anufrij <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* The Noise authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
* GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
* and Noise. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
* by the GPL license by which Noise is covered. If you modify this code
* you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version.
* Authored by: Artem Anufrij <>
namespace Webpin {
public class InfoDialog : Gtk.Dialog {
public InfoDialog (string title, string label, string icon_name) {
this.title = title;
set_default_size (350, 100);
var box = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);
box.pack_start (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG), false, false, 0);
box.pack_start (new Gtk.Label (label), true, false, 0);
box.margin = 15;
Gtk.Box content = get_content_area () as Gtk.Box;
content.pack_start (box, true, true, 0);
add_button (_("Accept"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017 Artem Anufrij <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* The Noise authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
* GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
* and Noise. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
* by the GPL license by which Noise is covered. If you modify this code
* you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version.
* Authored by: Artem Anufrij <>
namespace Webpin.Dialogs {
public class Preferences : Gtk.Dialog {
Webpin.Settings settings;
construct {
settings = Webpin.Settings.get_default ();
public Preferences (Gtk.Window parent) {
Object (
transient_for: parent
build_ui ();
this.response.connect ((source, response_id) => {
switch (response_id) {
case Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE:
destroy ();
private void build_ui () {
this.resizable = false;
var content = get_content_area () as Gtk.Box;
var grid = new Gtk.Grid ();
grid.column_spacing = 12;
grid.row_spacing = 12;
grid.margin = 12;
var use_dark_theme_label = new Gtk.Label (_("Use Dark Theme"));
use_dark_theme_label.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
var use_dark_theme = new Gtk.Switch (); = settings.use_dark_theme;
use_dark_theme.notify["active"].connect (() => {
settings.use_dark_theme =;
grid.attach (use_dark_theme_label, 0, 0);
grid.attach (use_dark_theme, 1, 0);
content.pack_start (grid, false, false, 0);
this.add_button ("_Close", Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE);
this.show_all ();

View file

@ -28,23 +28,35 @@
namespace Webpin {
public class MainWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow {
private Settings settings;
Settings settings;
private Gtk.Stack stack;
private Gtk.HeaderBar headerbar;
private Gtk.Button back_button;
private Gtk.Button add_button;
Gtk.Stack stack;
Gtk.HeaderBar headerbar;
Gtk.Button back_button;
Gtk.Button add_button;
Gtk.MenuButton app_menu;
private Assistant assistant;
private ApplicationsView apps_view;
Assistant assistant;
ApplicationsView apps_view;
construct {
settings = Settings.get_default ();
settings.notify["use-dark-theme"].connect (() => {
Gtk.Settings.get_default ().gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = settings.use_dark_theme;
if (settings.use_dark_theme) {
app_menu.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR));
} else {
app_menu.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu", Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR));
public MainWindow () {
settings = Settings.get_default ();
build_ui ();
private void build_ui () {
Gtk.Settings.get_default ().gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = settings.use_dark_theme;
set_default_size (700, 500);
@ -55,6 +67,7 @@ namespace Webpin {
back_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label (_("Applications"));
back_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("back-button");
back_button.valign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
headerbar.pack_start (back_button);
add_button = new Gtk.Button ();
@ -62,6 +75,27 @@ namespace Webpin {
add_button.tooltip_text = _("Add a new Web App");
headerbar.pack_start (add_button);
app_menu = new Gtk.MenuButton ();
if (settings.use_dark_theme) {
app_menu.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR));
} else {
app_menu.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("open-menu", Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR));
var settings_menu = new Gtk.Menu ();
var menu_item_preferences = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Preferences"));
menu_item_preferences.activate.connect (() => {
var preferences = new Dialogs.Preferences (this); ();
settings_menu.append (menu_item_preferences);
settings_menu.show_all ();
app_menu.popup = settings_menu;
headerbar.pack_end (app_menu);
var welcome = new Granite.Widgets.Welcome (_("No Web Apps Available"), _("Manage your web apps."));
welcome.append ("document-new", _("Create App"), _("Create a new web app with Webpin"));
welcome.activated.connect ((index) => {
@ -109,10 +143,11 @@ namespace Webpin {
back_button.clicked.connect (() => {
if (apps_view.has_items)
if (apps_view.has_items) {
show_apps_view ();
} else {
show_welcome_view ();
add_button.clicked.connect (() => {
@ -127,10 +162,11 @@ namespace Webpin {
this.restore_settings ();
show_all ();
if (apps_view.has_items)
if (apps_view.has_items) {
show_apps_view (Gtk.StackTransitionType.NONE);
} else {
show_welcome_view (Gtk.StackTransitionType.NONE);
this.present ();
@ -140,10 +176,6 @@ namespace Webpin {
back_button.show_all ();
add_button.hide ();
//fix ugly border at the bottom of headerbar
queue_draw ();
if (desktop_file != null)
assistant.edit_desktop_file (desktop_file);
@ -153,8 +185,6 @@ namespace Webpin {
back_button.hide ();
add_button.show_all ();
assistant.reset_fields ();
//fix ugly border at the bottom of headerbar
queue_draw ();
private void show_welcome_view (Gtk.StackTransitionType slide = Gtk.StackTransitionType.SLIDE_RIGHT) {
@ -163,16 +193,15 @@ namespace Webpin {
back_button.hide ();
add_button.hide ();
assistant.reset_fields ();
//fix ugly border at the bottom of headerbar
queue_draw ();
private void restore_settings () {
this.set_default_size (settings.window_width, settings.window_height);
if (settings.window_state == Settings.WindowState.MAXIMIZED)
if (settings.window_state == Settings.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) {
this.maximize ();
private void store_settings () {
settings.window_state = (this.is_maximized ? Settings.WindowState.MAXIMIZED: Settings.WindowState.NORMAL);

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
namespace Webpin {
public class DesktopFile : GLib.Object {
private string template = """
string template = """
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Web app
@ -42,9 +42,10 @@ namespace Webpin {
GLib.KeyFile file;
private GLib.KeyFile file;
public DesktopAppInfo info { get; set; }
public string name { get; private set; }
@ -52,12 +53,11 @@ namespace Webpin {
public string icon { get; private set; }
public bool hide_on_close {
get {
this.file = new GLib.KeyFile();
try {
file.load_from_file (info.filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
return file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "X-Webpin-StayOpen") == "true";
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
return false;
@ -67,16 +67,15 @@ namespace Webpin {
public Gdk.RGBA? color {
get {
if (_color == null) {
Gdk.RGBA return_value = {0, 0, 0, 0};
this.file = new GLib.KeyFile();
Gdk.RGBA return_value = {0, 0, 0, 1};
try {
file.load_from_file (info.filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
var property = file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "X-Webpin-PrimaryColor");
if (property == "" || !return_value.parse (property)) {
return null;
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
return null;
_color = return_value;
@ -86,7 +85,9 @@ namespace Webpin {
if (value != null) {
_color = value;
var color = "rgba(%d,%d,%d,1)".printf ((int)( * 255), (int)( * 255), (int)( * 255));
edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-PrimaryColor", color);
edit_property ("X-Webpin-PrimaryColor", color);
} else {
edit_property ("X-Webpin-PrimaryColor", "none");
@ -99,10 +100,10 @@ namespace Webpin {
file = new GLib.KeyFile();
try {
file.load_from_data (template, -1, GLib.KeyFileFlags.NONE);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
//TODO: Category
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "Name", name);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "GenericName", name);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "X-GNOME-FullName", name);
@ -117,21 +118,19 @@ namespace Webpin {
this.file = new GLib.KeyFile();
try {
file.load_from_file (info.filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
} = info.get_display_name ();
this.icon = info.get_icon ().to_string ();
try {
this.url = file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "Exec").substring (31);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
public bool edit_propertie (string propertie, string val) {
public bool edit_property (string propertie, string val) {
bool return_value = false;
try {
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" + file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webpin.desktop";
@ -139,8 +138,8 @@ namespace Webpin {
file.load_from_file (filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", propertie, val);
return_value = file.save_to_file (filename);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
return return_value;
@ -150,11 +149,10 @@ namespace Webpin {
GLib.DesktopAppInfo return_value = null;
try {
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webpin.desktop";
print("Desktop file created: " + filename);
file.save_to_file (filename);
return_value = new GLib.DesktopAppInfo.from_filename (filename);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
return return_value;
@ -164,61 +162,11 @@ namespace Webpin {
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webpin.desktop";
File file = File.new_for_path (filename);
file.delete ();
} catch (Error e) {
print(e.message + "\n");
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
return false;
return true;
public static Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.DesktopAppInfo> get_webpin_applications () {
var list = new Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.DesktopAppInfo>();
foreach (GLib.AppInfo app in GLib.AppInfo.get_all()) {
var desktop_app = new GLib.DesktopAppInfo(app.get_id ());
//FIXME: This is not working, vala problem?
//var keywords = desktop_app.get_keywords ();
string keywords = desktop_app.get_string ("Keywords");
if (keywords != null && keywords.contains ("webpin")) {
debug (desktop_app.get_name());
list.set(desktop_app.get_name(), desktop_app);
return list;
public static GLib.DesktopAppInfo? get_app_by_url (string url) {
foreach (GLib.AppInfo app in GLib.AppInfo.get_all()) {
var desktop_app = new GLib.DesktopAppInfo(app.get_id ());
var exec = desktop_app.get_string ("Exec");
if (exec != null) {
exec = exec.replace ("%%", "%");
if (exec.contains (url)) {
return desktop_app;
return null;
public static Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.AppInfo> get_applications() {
var list = new Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.AppInfo>();
foreach (GLib.AppInfo app in GLib.AppInfo.get_all()) {
debug (app.get_name());
list.set(app.get_name(), app);
return list;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017-2017 Artem Anufrij <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* The Noise authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
* GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
* and Noise. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
* by the GPL license by which Noise is covered. If you modify this code
* you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version.
* Authored by: Artem Anufrij <>
namespace Webpin.Services {
public class DesktopFilesManager {
public static GLib.DesktopAppInfo? get_app_by_url (string url) {
foreach (GLib.AppInfo app in GLib.AppInfo.get_all ()) {
var desktop_app = new GLib.DesktopAppInfo (app.get_id ());
var exec = desktop_app.get_string ("Exec");
if (exec != null) {
exec = exec.replace ("%%", "%");
if (exec.contains (url)) {
return desktop_app;
return null;
public static Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.AppInfo> get_applications() {
var list = new Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.AppInfo>();
foreach (GLib.AppInfo app in GLib.AppInfo.get_all()) {
list.set(app.get_name(), app);
return list;
public static Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.DesktopAppInfo> get_webpin_applications () {
var list = new Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.DesktopAppInfo>();
foreach (GLib.AppInfo app in GLib.AppInfo.get_all()) {
var desktop_app = new GLib.DesktopAppInfo(app.get_id ());
string keywords = desktop_app.get_string ("Keywords");
if (keywords != null && keywords.contains ("webpin")) {
list.set(desktop_app.get_name(), desktop_app);
return list;

View file

@ -31,14 +31,15 @@ namespace Webpin {
private static Settings settings;
public static Settings get_default () {
if (settings == null)
if (settings == null) {
settings = new Settings ();
return settings;
public int window_width { get; set; }
public int window_height { get; set; }
public WindowState window_state { get; set; }
public bool use_dark_theme { get; set; }
private Settings () {
base ("com.github.artemanufrij.webpin");

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015 Erasmo Marín <>
* Copyright (c) 2017-2017 Artem Anufrij <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* The Noise authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
* GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
* and Noise. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
* by the GPL license by which Noise is covered. If you modify this code
* you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version.
* Authored by: Artem Anufrij <>
namespace Webpin {
public class UrlEntry : Gtk.Entry {
public UrlEntry () {
editable = false;
set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "view-refresh-symbolic");
set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY, "text-html-symbolic");
public override void get_preferred_width (out int minimum_width, out int natural_width) {
minimum_width = -1;
natural_width = 3000;

View file

@ -29,37 +29,30 @@
namespace Webpin {
public class WebWindow : Gtk.Window {
private bool is_full_screen = false;
private WebApp web_app;
Gdk.WindowState current_state;
WebApp web_app;
Gtk.Spinner spinner;
public DesktopFile desktop_file { get; private set; }
public WebWindow (DesktopFile desktop_file) {
this.desktop_file = desktop_file;
this.set_wmclass (desktop_file.url, desktop_file.url); |= Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK;
var color = desktop_file.color;
if (color != null) {
var mid = + +;
if (mid / 3 < 0.5) {
Gtk.Settings.get_default ().gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = true;
set_color (color);
Granite.Widgets.Utils.set_color_primary (this, color);
set_wmclass (desktop_file.url, desktop_file.url);
web_app = new WebApp (desktop_file.url);
web_app = new WebApp (desktop_file);
var headerbar = new Gtk.HeaderBar ();
headerbar.title =;
headerbar.show_close_button = true;
var copy_url = new Gtk.Button.from_icon_name ("insert-link-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.MENU);
copy_url.tooltip_text = _("Copy URI into clipboard");
copy_url.tooltip_text = _("Copy URL into clipboard");
copy_url.clicked.connect (() => {
Gtk.Clipboard.get_default (Gdk.Display.get_default ()).set_text (web_app.app_view.uri, -1);
@ -74,40 +67,26 @@ namespace Webpin {
stay_open.tooltip_text = _("Run in background when closed");
stay_open.image = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("view-pin-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.MENU);
stay_open.toggled.connect (() => {
desktop_file.edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-StayOpen", ());
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-StayOpen", ());
desktop_file.save_to_file ();
headerbar.pack_start (stay_open);
this.set_titlebar (headerbar);
var width = ("X-Webpin-WindowWidth");
var height = ("X-Webpin-WindowHeight");
var state = ("X-Webpin-WindowMaximized");
var zoom = ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom");
if (width != null && height != null) {
set_default_size (int.parse(width), int.parse(height));
} else {
set_default_size (1000, 600);
if (state != null && state == "max") {
this.maximize ();
if (zoom != null) {
web_app.app_view.zoom_level = double.parse (zoom);
this.delete_event.connect (() => {
update_window_state(this.get_allocated_width (), this.get_allocated_height (), this.is_maximized);
save_settings ();
if (desktop_file.hide_on_close) {
this.hide_on_delete ();
return desktop_file.hide_on_close;
this.window_state_event.connect ((event) => {
current_state = event.new_window_state;
return false;
web_app.external_request.connect ((action) => {
debug ("Web app external request: %s", action.get_request ().uri);
try {
@ -133,44 +112,70 @@ namespace Webpin { = false;
web_app.found_website_color.connect ((color) => {
int gray_val = (int)( * 255);
if (desktop_file.color == null || (gray_val == 222 && == && == {
set_color (color);
desktop_file.color = color;
this.add (web_app);
load_settings ();
this.show_all ();
public new void fullscreen () {
is_full_screen = true;
private void set_color (Gdk.RGBA color) {
var mid = + +;
color.alpha = 1;
if (mid / 3 < 0.5) {
Gtk.Settings.get_default ().gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = true;
public new void unfullscreen () {
is_full_screen = false;
Granite.Widgets.Utils.set_color_primary (this, color);
public void toggle_fullscreen() {
if(is_full_screen) {
else {
is_full_screen = !is_full_screen;
public void update_window_state (int width, int height, bool is_maximized) {
var file = web_app.get_desktop_file();
if (is_maximized) {
file.edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowMaximized", "max");
if (current_state.to_string () == Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN.to_string ()) {
this.unfullscreen ();
} else {
file.edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowWidth", width.to_string());
file.edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowHeight", height.to_string());
file.edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowMaximized", "norm");
this.fullscreen ();
private void load_settings () {
var width = ("X-Webpin-WindowWidth");
var height = ("X-Webpin-WindowHeight");
var state = ("X-Webpin-WindowMaximized");
var zoom = ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom");
if (width != null && height != null) {
set_default_size (int.parse(width), int.parse(height));
} else {
set_default_size (1000, 600);
if (state != null && state == "max") {
this.maximize ();
if (zoom != null) {
web_app.app_view.zoom_level = double.parse (zoom);
private void save_settings () {
if (this.is_maximized) {
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowMaximized", "max");
} else {
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowWidth", this.get_allocated_width ().to_string());
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowHeight", this.get_allocated_height ().to_string());
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowMaximized", "norm");
public override bool key_press_event (Gdk.EventKey event) {
bool handled = true;
switch (event.keyval) {
case Gdk.Key.Escape:
@ -182,27 +187,24 @@ namespace Webpin {
if (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK in event.state) {
web_app.app_view.zoom_level += 0.1;
web_app.get_desktop_file().edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom", web_app.app_view.zoom_level.to_string ());
} else {
handled = false;
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom", web_app.app_view.zoom_level.to_string ());
return true;
case Gdk.Key.KP_Subtract:
case Gdk.Key.minus:
if (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK in event.state) {
web_app.app_view.zoom_level -= 0.1;
web_app.get_desktop_file().edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom", web_app.app_view.zoom_level.to_string ());
} else {
handled = false;
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom", web_app.app_view.zoom_level.to_string ());
return true;
case Gdk.Key.KP_0:
case Gdk.Key.@0:
if (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK in event.state) {
web_app.app_view.zoom_level = 1;
web_app.get_desktop_file().edit_propertie ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom", web_app.app_view.zoom_level.to_string ());
} else {
handled = false;
desktop_file.edit_property ("X-Webpin-WindowZoom", web_app.app_view.zoom_level.to_string ());
return true;
case Gdk.Key.F5:
@ -211,28 +213,20 @@ namespace Webpin {
} else {
web_app.app_view.reload_bypass_cache ();
return true;
case Gdk.Key.Left:
if (Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK in event.state) {
web_app.app_view.go_back ();
} else {
handled = false;
return true;
case Gdk.Key.Right:
if (Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK in event.state) {
web_app.app_view.go_forward ();
} else {
handled = false;
handled = false;
if (handled)
return true;
return (base.key_press_event != null) ? base.key_press_event (event) : true;

View file

@ -75,8 +75,9 @@ namespace Webpin {
event_box.leave_notify_event.connect ((event) => {
if (event.detail == Gdk.NotifyType.INFERIOR)
if (event.detail == Gdk.NotifyType.INFERIOR) {
return false;
menu.set_reveal_child (false);
return false;
@ -109,10 +110,11 @@ namespace Webpin {
new_height = new_height * pix.height / pix.width;
margin_vertical = (new_width - new_height) / 2;
if (image == null)
if (image == null) {
image = new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf (pix.scale_simple (new_width, new_height, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR));
} else {
image.set_from_pixbuf (pix.scale_simple (new_width, new_height, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR));
image.margin_top = margin_vertical;
image.margin_bottom = margin_vertical;

View file

@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ namespace Webpin {
public signal void edit_request(DesktopFile desktop_file);
public signal void app_deleted ();
private Gtk.FlowBox icon_view;
private Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.DesktopAppInfo> applications;
Gtk.FlowBox icon_view;
public bool has_items { get { return icon_view.get_children ().length () > 0; } }
@ -56,8 +55,8 @@ namespace Webpin {
var app_icon = (child as Gtk.FlowBoxChild).get_child () as ApplicationIcon;
try {
Process.spawn_command_line_async ("com.github.artemanufrij.webpin " + app_icon.desktop_file.url.replace("%%", "%"));
} catch (SpawnError e) {
debug ("Error: %s\n", e.message);
} catch (SpawnError err) {
warning (err.message);
@ -65,11 +64,10 @@ namespace Webpin {
scrolled.add (icon_view);
this.pack_start (scrolled, true, true, 0);
public void load_applications () {
applications = DesktopFile.get_webpin_applications();
var applications = Services.DesktopFilesManager.get_webpin_applications ();
foreach (GLib.DesktopAppInfo app in applications.values) {
this.add_button (app);

View file

@ -57,15 +57,20 @@ namespace Webpin {
private assistant_mode mode { get; set; default = assistant_mode.new_app; }
Gdk.RGBA default_color;
construct {
default_color = { 222, 222, 222, 255 };
public Assistant () {
GLib.Object (orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL);
apps = DesktopFile.get_applications ();
apps = Services.DesktopFilesManager.get_applications ();
this.margin = 15;
try {
//http(s)://(words or numbers)(port and numbers)
this.protocol_regex = new Regex ("""https?\:\/\/[\w+\d+]((\:\d+)?\/\S*)?""");
} catch (RegexError e) {
critical ("%s", e.message);
@ -108,18 +113,18 @@ namespace Webpin {
icon_selector_popover.add (popover_box);
primary_color_button = new Gtk.ColorButton.with_rgba ({ 222, 222, 222, 255 });
primary_color_button = new Gtk.ColorButton.with_rgba (default_color);
primary_color_button.use_alpha = false;
//TODO: categories
primary_color_button.color_activated.connect ((color) => {
stdout.printf ("COLOR %s\n", color.to_string ());
save_cookies_check = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Save cookies")); = true;
save_password_check = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Save login information")); = false;
stay_open_when_closed = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Run in background when closed"));
stay_open_when_closed = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Run in background if closed")); = false;
//app information section
@ -127,7 +132,6 @@ namespace Webpin {
app_input_box.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
app_input_box.pack_start (app_name_entry, false, false, 0);
app_input_box.pack_start (app_url_entry, false, false, 0);
//app_input_box.pack_start (app_category_combo, true, false, 0);
var app_info_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);
app_info_box.pack_start (icon_button, false, false, 3);
@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ namespace Webpin {
app_name_entry.changed.connect (() => {
if (mode == assistant_mode.new_app && DesktopFile.get_applications().has_key (app_name_entry.get_text()) ) {
if (mode == assistant_mode.new_app && Services.DesktopFilesManager.get_applications ().has_key (app_name_entry.get_text())) {
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().add_class ("error");
app_name_entry.set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "dialog-information");
app_name_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, _("App already exist"));
@ -302,14 +306,14 @@ namespace Webpin {
private void on_accept () {
string icon = icon_name_entry.get_text ();
string name = app_name_entry.get_text ();
string url = app_url_entry.get_text ().replace ("%", "%%");
bool stay_open =;
if (icon == "")
if (icon == "") {
icon = default_app_icon;
if (app_icon_valid && app_name_valid && app_url_valid) {
var desktop_file = new DesktopFile (name, url, icon, stay_open);
@ -321,11 +325,15 @@ namespace Webpin {
application_edited (desktop_file.save_to_file ());
stdout.printf ("Custom Color %s\n", primary_color_button.rgba.to_string ());
desktop_file.color = primary_color_button.rgba;
public void edit_desktop_file (DesktopFile desktop_file) {
public void edit_desktop_file (DesktopFile? desktop_file) {
if (desktop_file == null) {
reset_fields ();
} else {
mode = assistant_mode.edit_app;
app_name_entry.text =;
app_name_entry.set_sensitive (false);
@ -335,9 +343,10 @@ namespace Webpin {
if (desktop_file.color != null) {
primary_color_button.set_rgba (desktop_file.color);
} else {
primary_color_button.set_rgba ({ 222, 222, 222, 255 });
primary_color_button.set_rgba (default_color);
update_app_icon ();

View file

@ -28,14 +28,11 @@
namespace Webpin {
public class WebApp : Gtk.Stack {
public WebKit.WebView app_view { get; private set; }
public DesktopFile desktop_file { get; private set; }
public WebKit.WebView app_view;
public string ui_color = "none";
private string app_url;
private GLib.DesktopAppInfo info;
private DesktopFile file;
private WebKit.CookieManager cookie_manager;
private Gtk.Box container;
WebKit.CookieManager cookie_manager;
Gtk.Box container;
Granite.Widgets.Toast app_notification;
GLib.Icon icon_for_notification;
@ -43,54 +40,60 @@ namespace Webpin {
public signal void request_begin ();
public signal void request_finished ();
public signal void desktop_notification (string title, string body, GLib.Icon icon);
public signal void found_website_color (Gdk.RGBA color);
public WebApp (string app_url) {
this.app_url = app_url;
//configure cookies settings
cookie_manager = WebKit.WebContext.get_default ().get_cookie_manager ();
cookie_manager.set_accept_policy (WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy.ALWAYS);
public WebApp (DesktopFile desktop_file) {
this.desktop_file = desktop_file;
this.transition_duration = 350;
this.transition_type = Gtk.StackTransitionType.SLIDE_UP;
string cookie_db = Environment.get_user_cache_dir () + "/webpin/cookies/";
var dir = GLib.File.new_for_path (cookie_db);
if (!dir.query_exists (null)) {
try {
dir.make_directory_with_parents (null);
GLib.debug ("Directory '%s' created", dir.get_path ());
} catch (Error e) {
GLib.error ("Could not create caching directory.");
} catch (Error err) {
warning ("Could not create caching directory.");
cookie_manager = WebKit.WebContext.get_default ().get_cookie_manager ();
cookie_manager.set_accept_policy (WebKit.CookieAcceptPolicy.ALWAYS);
cookie_manager.set_persistent_storage (cookie_db + "cookies.db", WebKit.CookiePersistentStorage.SQLITE);
//load app viewer
app_view = new WebKit.WebView.with_context (WebKit.WebContext.get_default ());
app_view.load_uri (app_url);
app_view.load_uri (desktop_file.url);
container = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
container.halign = Gtk.Align.FILL;
container.valign = Gtk.Align.FILL;
app_notification = new Granite.Widgets.Toast ("");
//overlay trick to make snapshot work even with the spinner
var overlay = new Gtk.Overlay ();
overlay.add (app_view);
overlay.add_overlay (app_notification);
add_named (container, "splash");
add_named (overlay, "app");
this.add_named (container, "splash");
this.add_named (overlay, "app");
transition_duration = 350;
transition_type = Gtk.StackTransitionType.SLIDE_UP;
var icon_file = File.new_for_path (desktop_file.icon);
Gtk.Image icon;
if (icon_file.query_exists ()) {
try {
icon = new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf (new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_scale (desktop_file.icon, 48, 48, true));
icon_for_notification = GLib.Icon.new_for_string (desktop_file.icon);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
icon = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("com.github.artemanufrij.webpin", Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG);
} else {
icon = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (desktop_file.icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG);
icon_for_notification = new GLib.ThemedIcon (desktop_file.icon);
container.pack_start (icon, true, true, 0);
app_view.create.connect ((action) => {
print("external request");
app_notification.title = _("Open request in an external application…");
app_notification.send_notification ();
@ -98,32 +101,6 @@ namespace Webpin {
return new WebKit.WebView ();
info = DesktopFile.get_app_by_url(app_url);
file = new DesktopFile.from_desktopappinfo(info);
var icon_file = File.new_for_path (file.icon);
Gtk.Image icon;
if (icon_file.query_exists ()) {
try {
icon = new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf (new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_scale (file.icon, 48, 48, true));
icon_for_notification = GLib.Icon.new_for_string (file.icon);
} catch (Error e) {
warning (e.message);
icon = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name ("com.github.artemanufrij.webpin", Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG);
} else {
icon = new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (file.icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG);
icon_for_notification = new GLib.ThemedIcon (file.icon);
container.pack_start(icon, true, true, 0);
Gdk.RGBA background = {};
if (!background.parse (ui_color)){
background = {1,1,1,1};
container.override_background_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, background);
app_view.load_changed.connect ((load_event) => {
request_begin ();
if (load_event == WebKit.LoadEvent.FINISHED) {
@ -132,6 +109,23 @@ namespace Webpin {
app_notification.reveal_child = false;
request_finished ();
var source = app_view.get_main_resource ();
source.get_data.begin (null, (obj, res) => {
try {
var body = (string)source.get_data.end (res);
var regex = new Regex ("(?<=<meta name=\"theme-color\" content=\")#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}");
MatchInfo match_info;
if (regex.match (body, 0, out match_info)) {
var result = match_info.fetch (0);
Gdk.RGBA return_value = {0, 0, 0, 1};
if (return_value.parse (result)) {
found_website_color (return_value);
} catch (Error err) {
warning (err.message);
@ -148,9 +142,5 @@ namespace Webpin {
return false;
public DesktopFile get_desktop_file () {
return this.file;