rename appname

This commit is contained in:
Artem Anufrij 2017-07-31 22:37:32 +02:00
parent 11cab4496c
commit 8b6b2fb94b
3 changed files with 310 additions and 281 deletions

View file

@ -1,299 +1,329 @@
public class WebbyAssistant : Gtk.Box {
* Copyright (c) 2015 Erasmo Marín <>
* Copyright (c) 2017-2017 Artem Anufrij <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* The Noise authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
* GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
* and Noise. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
* by the GPL license by which Noise is covered. If you modify this code
* you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version.
* Authored by: Artem Anufrij <>
public enum assistant_mode { new_app, edit_app }
namespace Webpin {
public class WebbyAssistant : Gtk.Box {
public signal void application_created (GLib.DesktopAppInfo? new_file);
public signal void application_edited (GLib.DesktopAppInfo? new_file);
public enum assistant_mode { new_app, edit_app }
private Gtk.Label message;
private Gtk.Button icon_button;
private Gtk.Entry app_name_entry;
private Gtk.Entry app_url_entry;
private Gtk.Entry icon_name_entry;
private Gtk.ComboBox app_category_combo;
private Gtk.CheckButton save_cookies_check;
private Gtk.CheckButton save_password_check;
private Gtk.Popover icon_selector_popover;
private Gtk.FileChooserDialog file_chooser;
private Gtk.Button accept_button;
private GLib.Regex protocol_regex;
private Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.AppInfo> apps;
public signal void application_created (GLib.DesktopAppInfo? new_file);
public signal void application_edited (GLib.DesktopAppInfo? new_file);
private string default_app_icon = "application-default-icon";
private Gtk.Label message;
private Gtk.Button icon_button;
private Gtk.Entry app_name_entry;
private Gtk.Entry app_url_entry;
private Gtk.Entry icon_name_entry;
private Gtk.ComboBox app_category_combo;
private Gtk.CheckButton save_cookies_check;
private Gtk.CheckButton save_password_check;
private Gtk.Popover icon_selector_popover;
private Gtk.FileChooserDialog file_chooser;
private Gtk.Button accept_button;
private GLib.Regex protocol_regex;
private Gee.HashMap<string, GLib.AppInfo> apps;
private bool app_name_valid = false;
private bool app_url_valid = false;
private bool app_icon_valid = true;
private string default_app_icon = "application-default-icon";
private assistant_mode mode { get; set; default = assistant_mode.new_app; }
private bool app_name_valid = false;
private bool app_url_valid = false;
private bool app_icon_valid = true;
public WebbyAssistant () {
private assistant_mode mode { get; set; default = assistant_mode.new_app; }
GLib.Object (orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL);
apps = DesktopFile.get_applications ();
public WebbyAssistant () {
this.margin = 15;
GLib.Object (orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL);
apps = DesktopFile.get_applications ();
try {
//http(s)://(words or numbers)(port and numbers)
this.protocol_regex = new Regex ("""https?\:\/\/[\w+\d+]((\:\d+)?\/\S*)?""");
} catch (RegexError e) {
critical ("%s", e.message);
this.margin = 15;
//welcome message
message = new Gtk.Label (_("Create a new web app with webby"));
//app information
icon_button = new Gtk.Button ();
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (default_app_icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG) );
icon_button.halign = Gtk.Align.END;
app_name_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
app_name_entry.set_placeholder_text (_("Application name"));
app_url_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
app_url_entry.set_placeholder_text (_("http://myapp.domain"));
//icon selector popover
icon_selector_popover = new Gtk.Popover (icon_button);
icon_selector_popover.modal = true;
icon_selector_popover.position = Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM;
var popover_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);
icon_name_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
icon_name_entry.set_placeholder_text (_("theme icon name"));
var or_label = new Gtk.Label (_("or"));
var icon_chooser_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label(_("Set from file..."));
icon_chooser_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("suggested-action");
popover_box.margin = 10;
popover_box.pack_start (icon_name_entry, true, false, 0);
popover_box.pack_start (or_label, true, false, 0);
popover_box.pack_end (icon_chooser_button, true, false, 0);
icon_chooser_button.grab_focus ();
icon_selector_popover.add (popover_box);
//TODO: categories
save_cookies_check = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Save cookies")); = true;
save_password_check = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Save login information")); = false;
//app information section
var app_input_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
app_input_box.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
app_input_box.pack_start (app_name_entry, false, false, 0);
app_input_box.pack_start (app_url_entry, false, false, 0);
//app_input_box.pack_start (app_category_combo, true, false, 0);
var app_info_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);
app_info_box.pack_start (icon_button, false, false, 3);
app_info_box.pack_start (app_input_box, false, false, 3);
app_info_box.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
//app options
var app_options_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
app_options_box.pack_start (save_cookies_check, true, false, 0);
app_options_box.pack_start (save_password_check, true, false, 0);
app_options_box.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
//create button
accept_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label(_("Save app"));
accept_button.halign = Gtk.Align.END;
accept_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("suggested-action");
accept_button.set_sensitive (false);
accept_button.activate.connect (on_accept);
accept_button.clicked.connect (on_accept);
//all sections together
pack_start (message, true, false, 0);
pack_start (app_info_box, true, false, 0);
pack_start (app_options_box, true, false, 0);
pack_end (accept_button, false, false, 0);
//signals and handlers
icon_button.clicked.connect(() => {
app_url_entry.changed.connect (()=>{
if (!this.protocol_regex.match (app_url_entry.get_text())) {
app_url_entry.get_style_context ().add_class ("error");
app_url_entry.set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "dialog-information");
app_url_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, _("url must start with http:// or https://"));
app_url_valid = false;
} else {
app_url_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
app_url_valid = true;
validate ();
app_name_entry.changed.connect (()=>{
if (mode == assistant_mode.new_app && DesktopFile.get_applications().has_key (app_name_entry.get_text()) ) {
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().add_class ("error");
app_name_entry.set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "dialog-information");
app_name_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, _("App already exist"));
app_name_valid = false;
} else {
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
app_name_valid = true;
validate ();
icon_chooser_button.activate.connect (on_icon_chooser_activate);
icon_chooser_button.clicked.connect (on_icon_chooser_activate);
icon_name_entry.changed.connect (update_app_icon);
private void update_app_icon () {
string icon = icon_name_entry.get_text ();
if (icon == "") {
app_icon_valid = true;
validate ();
//if is a file uri
if (icon.contains("/")) {
Gdk.Pixbuf pix = null;
try {
pix = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_size (icon, 48, 48);
app_icon_valid = true;
} catch (GLib.Error error) {
app_icon_valid = false;
try {
Gtk.IconTheme icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
pix = icon_theme.load_icon ("image-missing", 48, Gtk.IconLookupFlags.FORCE_SIZE);
} catch (GLib.Error err) {
warning ("Getting selection-checked icon from theme failed");
} finally {
if (pix != null)
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf (pix));
//http(s)://(words or numbers)(port and numbers)
this.protocol_regex = new Regex ("""https?\:\/\/[\w+\d+]((\:\d+)?\/\S*)?""");
} catch (RegexError e) {
critical ("%s", e.message);
} else {
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG) );
//welcome message
message = new Gtk.Label (_("Create a new web app with webby"));
//app information
icon_button = new Gtk.Button ();
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (default_app_icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG) );
icon_button.halign = Gtk.Align.END;
app_name_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
app_name_entry.set_placeholder_text (_("Application name"));
app_url_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
app_url_entry.set_placeholder_text (_("http://myapp.domain"));
//icon selector popover
icon_selector_popover = new Gtk.Popover (icon_button);
icon_selector_popover.modal = true;
icon_selector_popover.position = Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM;
var popover_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);
icon_name_entry = new Gtk.Entry ();
icon_name_entry.set_placeholder_text (_("theme icon name"));
var or_label = new Gtk.Label (_("or"));
var icon_chooser_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label(_("Set from file..."));
icon_chooser_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("suggested-action");
popover_box.margin = 10;
popover_box.pack_start (icon_name_entry, true, false, 0);
popover_box.pack_start (or_label, true, false, 0);
popover_box.pack_end (icon_chooser_button, true, false, 0);
icon_chooser_button.grab_focus ();
icon_selector_popover.add (popover_box);
//TODO: categories
save_cookies_check = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Save cookies")); = true;
save_password_check = new Gtk.CheckButton.with_label (_("Save login information")); = false;
//app information section
var app_input_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
app_input_box.halign = Gtk.Align.START;
app_input_box.pack_start (app_name_entry, false, false, 0);
app_input_box.pack_start (app_url_entry, false, false, 0);
//app_input_box.pack_start (app_category_combo, true, false, 0);
var app_info_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 5);
app_info_box.pack_start (icon_button, false, false, 3);
app_info_box.pack_start (app_input_box, false, false, 3);
app_info_box.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
//app options
var app_options_box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
app_options_box.pack_start (save_cookies_check, true, false, 0);
app_options_box.pack_start (save_password_check, true, false, 0);
app_options_box.halign = Gtk.Align.CENTER;
//create button
accept_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label(_("Save app"));
accept_button.halign = Gtk.Align.END;
accept_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("suggested-action");
accept_button.set_sensitive (false);
accept_button.activate.connect (on_accept);
accept_button.clicked.connect (on_accept);
//all sections together
pack_start (message, true, false, 0);
pack_start (app_info_box, true, false, 0);
pack_start (app_options_box, true, false, 0);
pack_end (accept_button, false, false, 0);
//signals and handlers
icon_button.clicked.connect(() => {
app_url_entry.changed.connect (()=>{
if (!this.protocol_regex.match (app_url_entry.get_text())) {
app_url_entry.get_style_context ().add_class ("error");
app_url_entry.set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "dialog-information");
app_url_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text(Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, _("url must start with http:// or https://"));
app_url_valid = false;
} else {
app_url_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
app_url_valid = true;
validate ();
app_name_entry.changed.connect (()=>{
if (mode == assistant_mode.new_app && DesktopFile.get_applications().has_key (app_name_entry.get_text()) ) {
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().add_class ("error");
app_name_entry.set_icon_from_icon_name (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "dialog-information");
app_name_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text (Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, _("App already exist"));
app_name_valid = false;
} else {
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
app_name_valid = true;
validate ();
icon_chooser_button.activate.connect (on_icon_chooser_activate);
icon_chooser_button.clicked.connect (on_icon_chooser_activate);
icon_name_entry.changed.connect (update_app_icon);
validate ();
private void on_icon_chooser_activate () {
var filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
private void update_app_icon () {
string icon = icon_name_entry.get_text ();
filter.set_filter_name (_("Images"));
filter.add_pattern ("*.png");
filter.add_pattern ("*.svg");
filter.add_pattern ("*.jpg");
filter.add_pattern ("*.jpeg");
filter.add_pattern ("*.PNG");
filter.add_pattern ("*.SVG");
filter.add_pattern ("*.JPG");
filter.add_pattern ("*.JPEG");
if (icon == "") {
app_icon_valid = true;
validate ();
file_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog ("", null,
_("Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
_("Open"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
file_chooser.add_filter (filter);
var preview = new Gtk.Image();
preview.valign = Gtk.Align.START;
file_chooser.update_preview.connect ( ()=> {
string filename = file_chooser.get_preview_filename();
Gdk.Pixbuf pix = null;
if (filename != null) {
//if is a file uri
if (icon.contains("/")) {
Gdk.Pixbuf pix = null;
try {
pix = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_size (filename, 128, 128);
} catch (GLib.Error error) {
warning ("There was a problem loading preview.");
if (pix!=null){
preview.set_from_pixbuf (pix);
file_chooser.set_preview_widget_active (true);
file_chooser.set_preview_widget (preview);
pix = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_size (icon, 48, 48);
app_icon_valid = true;
} catch (GLib.Error error) {
app_icon_valid = false;
try {
Gtk.IconTheme icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
pix = icon_theme.load_icon ("image-missing", 48, Gtk.IconLookupFlags.FORCE_SIZE);
} catch (GLib.Error err) {
warning ("Getting selection-checked icon from theme failed");
} finally {
if (pix != null)
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_pixbuf (pix));
} else {
file_chooser.set_preview_widget (null);
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG) );
if ( () == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
validate ();
icon_name_entry.set_text(file_chooser.get_filename ());
private void on_icon_chooser_activate () {
var filter = new Gtk.FileFilter ();
filter.set_filter_name (_("Images"));
filter.add_pattern ("*.png");
filter.add_pattern ("*.svg");
filter.add_pattern ("*.jpg");
filter.add_pattern ("*.jpeg");
filter.add_pattern ("*.PNG");
filter.add_pattern ("*.SVG");
filter.add_pattern ("*.JPG");
filter.add_pattern ("*.JPEG");
file_chooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog ("", null,
_("Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
_("Open"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT);
file_chooser.add_filter (filter);
var preview = new Gtk.Image();
preview.valign = Gtk.Align.START;
file_chooser.update_preview.connect ( ()=> {
string filename = file_chooser.get_preview_filename();
Gdk.Pixbuf pix = null;
if (filename != null) {
try {
pix = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_size (filename, 128, 128);
} catch (GLib.Error error) {
warning ("There was a problem loading preview.");
if (pix!=null){
preview.set_from_pixbuf (pix);
file_chooser.set_preview_widget_active (true);
file_chooser.set_preview_widget (preview);
} else {
file_chooser.set_preview_widget (null);
if ( () == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
icon_name_entry.set_text(file_chooser.get_filename ());
file_chooser.destroy ();
file_chooser.destroy ();
file_chooser.destroy ();
private void validate () {
if (app_icon_valid && app_name_valid && app_url_valid) {
accept_button.set_sensitive (true);
private void validate () {
if (app_icon_valid && app_name_valid && app_url_valid) {
accept_button.set_sensitive (true);
accept_button.set_sensitive (false);
accept_button.set_sensitive (false);
public void reset_fields () {
icon_name_entry.set_text ("");
app_name_entry.set_text ("");
app_name_entry.set_sensitive (true);
app_url_entry.set_text ("");
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
app_url_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (default_app_icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG) );
mode = assistant_mode.new_app;
public void reset_fields () {
icon_name_entry.set_text ("");
app_name_entry.set_text ("");
app_name_entry.set_sensitive (true);
app_url_entry.set_text ("");
app_name_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
app_url_entry.get_style_context ().remove_class ("error");
icon_button.set_image (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (default_app_icon, Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG) );
mode = assistant_mode.new_app;
private void on_accept () {
private void on_accept () {
string icon = icon_name_entry.get_text ();
string name = app_name_entry.get_text ();
string url = app_url_entry.get_text ();
string icon = icon_name_entry.get_text ();
string name = app_name_entry.get_text ();
string url = app_url_entry.get_text ();
if (icon == "")
icon = default_app_icon;
if (icon == "")
icon = default_app_icon;
if (app_icon_valid && app_name_valid && app_url_valid) {
var desktop_file = new DesktopFile (name, url, icon);
switch (mode) {
case assistant_mode.new_app:
application_created (desktop_file.save_to_file ());
case assistant_mode.edit_app:
application_edited (desktop_file.save_to_file ());
if (app_icon_valid && app_name_valid && app_url_valid) {
var desktop_file = new DesktopFile (name, url, icon);
switch (mode) {
case assistant_mode.new_app:
application_created (desktop_file.save_to_file ());
case assistant_mode.edit_app:
application_edited (desktop_file.save_to_file ());
public void edit_desktop_file (DesktopFile desktop_file) {
mode = assistant_mode.edit_app;
app_name_entry.text =;
app_name_entry.set_sensitive (false);
app_url_entry.text = desktop_file.url;
icon_name_entry.text = desktop_file.icon;
update_app_icon ();
public void edit_desktop_file (DesktopFile desktop_file) {
mode = assistant_mode.edit_app;
app_name_entry.text =;
app_name_entry.set_sensitive (false);
app_url_entry.text = desktop_file.url;
icon_name_entry.text = desktop_file.icon;
update_app_icon ();

View file

@ -3,17 +3,16 @@ public class DesktopFile : GLib.Object {
private string template = """
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Web app
Comment=Webby web app
Comment=Webpin web app
@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ public class DesktopFile : GLib.Object {
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "Name", name);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "GenericName", name);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "X-GNOME-FullName", name);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "Exec", "webby " + url);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "Exec", "com.github.artemanufrij.webpin " + url);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "Icon", icon);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", "StartupWMClass", url);
@ -44,11 +43,11 @@ public class DesktopFile : GLib.Object {
file.load_from_file (info.filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE); = info.get_display_name ();
this.icon = info.get_icon ().to_string ();
this.url = file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "Exec").substring (6);
this.url = file.get_string ("Desktop Entry", "Exec").substring (31);
public bool edit_propertie (string propertie, string val) {
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webby.desktop";
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webpin.desktop";
file = new GLib.KeyFile();
file.load_from_file (filename, KeyFileFlags.NONE);
file.set_string ("Desktop Entry", propertie, val);
@ -56,14 +55,14 @@ public class DesktopFile : GLib.Object {
public GLib.DesktopAppInfo save_to_file () {
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webby.desktop";
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webpin.desktop";
print("Desktop file created: " + filename);
file.save_to_file (filename);
return new GLib.DesktopAppInfo.from_filename (filename);
public bool delete_file () {
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webby.desktop";
string filename = GLib.Environment.get_user_data_dir () + "/applications/" +file.get_string("Desktop Entry", "Name") + "-webpin.desktop";
File file = File.new_for_path (filename);
try {
file.delete ();
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ public class DesktopFile : GLib.Object {
string keywords = desktop_app.get_string ("Keywords");
if (keywords != null && keywords.contains ("webby")) {
if (keywords != null && keywords.contains ("webpin")) {
list.set(desktop_app.get_name(), desktop_app);

View file

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ public class WebApp : Gtk.Stack {
private string app_url;
private GLib.DesktopAppInfo info;
private DesktopFile file;
private WebKit.CookieManager cookie_manager;
private WebKit.CookieManager cookie_manager;
private Gtk.Box container; //the spinner container
public signal void external_request ();
public signal void theme_color_changed(string color);
public WebApp (string webapp_name, string app_url) {
this.app_url = app_url;
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ public class WebApp : Gtk.Stack {
info = DesktopFile.get_app_by_url(app_url);
file = new DesktopFile.from_desktopappinfo(info);
//load theme color saved in desktop file
if (info != null && info.has_key("WebbyThemeColor")) {
var color = info.get_string("WebbyThemeColor");
if (info != null && info.has_key("WebpinThemeColor")) {
var color = info.get_string("WebpinThemeColor");
print("COLOR: " + color+"\n");
if(color != "none") {
ui_color = color;
@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ public class WebApp : Gtk.Stack {
* of pixels to get a good representative color of the page
public async void determine_theme_color () {
//FIXME: This is useless without JSCore
/*string script = "var t = document.getElementsByTagName('meta').filter(function(e){return == 'theme-color';)[0]; t ? t.value : null;";
/*string script = "var t = document.getElementsByTagName('meta').filter(function(e){return == 'theme-color';)[0]; t ? t.value : null;";
app_view.run_javascript.begin (script, null, (obj, res)=> {
var snap = (Cairo.ImageSurface) yield app_view.get_snapshot (WebKit.SnapshotRegion.VISIBLE,
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public class WebApp : Gtk.Stack {
container.override_background_color (Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, background);
if (file != null)
file.edit_propertie ("WebbyThemeColor", ui_color);
file.edit_propertie ("WebpinThemeColor", ui_color);