2023-11-01 21:34:12 +00:00

666 B

Tehillim Split

This is a web application to split Sefer Tehillim between a group of people. You can create a list split by either perek or day of month and share it with other users.

Currently live at https://tehillim-split.dovicowan.dev

Tehillim Split is build on Appwrite BaaS. Config files and setting your own Appwrite endpoint coming soon, but for now you can set your endpoint in src/lib/appwrite.js and your project ID as env VITE_APPWRITE_DB_ID.

Frontend in Svelte, run npm install + npm run dev to run locally.


The Github repo is a mirror of the repo on my self-hosted Git server at https://git.fnukhosting.net/dcowan/tehillim-split.